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Keeping a clean food production area is one part of hygiene, you must also remove food waste and other rubbish from rooms where food is present as quickly as possible, to avoid them building up. Buildups of food waste or rubbish can increase the risk of contamination and pests. 

You must put food waste and other rubbish in containers that can be closed unless you can satisfy your local authority that other types of containers or systems of disposing of waste are appropriate. These containers must be of appropriate construction, kept in sound condition, be easy to clean and where necessary disinfected.

You must have adequate facilities for storing and disposing of food waste and other rubbish. Stores for waste must be designed and managed in a way that enables them to be kept clean and, where necessary, free of animals and pests.

You must get rid of all waste in a hygienic and environmentally friendly way, in accordance with legislation. There are rules about the way certain types of food waste must be collected and disposed of, contact your local authority for details.

The waste must not be a direct or indirect source of contamination. For example, the waste touching surfaces that food is prepared on or attracting pests.

Waste oil must also be disposed of correctly in accordance with local regulations. You cannot dump waste oils or fats in toilets or down drains. Burning oil creates air quality issues and pouring in rivers or on the ground creates pollution risks. There are many companies who offer safe disposal of oils and fats and they often supply the containers to store them safely.

If you fail to dispose of any waste correctly you are liable to prosecution. And finally, always wash your hands after handling waste or cleaning around waste storage areas.